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[Other resourcematlab-c

Description: MATLAB-C混合编程,在M文件中调用 C语言函数,对学混合编程的初学者有一定的帮助-MATLAB-C hybrid programming, the paper called M C language function, mixed programming for school beginners can help
Platform: | Size: 31121 | Author: 宋军 | Hits:

[matlabC++ Builder && Matlab 混合编程

Description: C++ builder与 Matlab混合编程,通过Matcom将Matlab的m文件编译为cpp文件,实现C++ builder调用Matlab;软件完成后,可以脱离Matlab运行环境。
Platform: | Size: 11551104 | Author: self_discipline | Hits:


Description: MATLAB的GA程序-MATLAB process of GA
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 小朱 | Hits:

[Windows Develop调用matlab函数的代码.ZIP

Description: C#调用matlab6.5.1函数的方法-the method of calling functions of matlab 6.5.1 with csharp
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 邹锐 | Hits:


Description: 控制系统的matlab,非常有用-control system of Matlab, very useful
Platform: | Size: 891904 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 在Vc中调用Matlab源文件的调试程序!-in Vc Calling Matlab source debugging procedures!
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 昂清 | Hits:


Description: MATLAB Compiler 是MATLAB自带的一个编译器,它能将m文件转化成 C、C++或p等各种类型的源代码,并根据需要生成可执行文件、lib文件(库文件)、dll文件或S函数文件等。MATLAB 6.5 使用的编译器包括了MATLAB 的C\C++数学库函数以及图形库。动态链接库(dll)是编写软件中常用的一种技术,MATLAB提供了将M文件编制成dll文件的方法,本文就介绍如何在MATLAB6.5中将m文件z转化成dll文件,然后在VC中调用该dll文件。 -MATLAB Compiler is a built-in MATLAB Compiler, it will be m documents into C, C p, or other types of source code and generating executable required documents lib files (libraries), dll files or documents S function. MATLAB 6.5 The compiler includes MATLAB C \ C math library functions and graphics library. Dynamic link library (dll) software is commonly used to prepare a technical, MATLAB M will provide the documentation dll file into the method, on how the document Matlab6.5 will m z into dll file, and then call in the VC dll file.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 林林 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVC++&&Matlab混合编程的快速实现

Description: VC++与Matlab混合编程的快速实现 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 程序设计 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 103 KB -VC and MatLab the rapid realization of books Language : English books categories : program design license : free software books Size : 103 KB
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: | Hits:

[matlabMatlab与VC CBuilder混合编程精选

Description: 本套资料,包含了各种Matlab和C++混合编程的例子和理论.是研究Matlab 和VC CBuilder的最权威和经典的例子.在网上搜集的时候发了一个下午的时间。结果发现内容太少了.不得不到我们学校的图书馆去找了。找遍了整个中国期刊全文数据库(CJFD),才找到了这几篇对与编程人员来说的有帮助和参考的文章了。发了我好几块钱了,希望对那些Matlab与Vc和Cbuilder混合编程的人员有很大的帮助了.-the sets of data, including a variety of mixed Matlab and C programming examples and theory. Research VC CBuilder Matlab and the most authoritative and classic examples. The online collection of hair at a time. The results showed very little content. Our school had to find a library. Grateful the entire CJFD (CJFD), they will find this program with a few pairs of officers help and reference of the article. I made a few good money in the hope that those with vitamin C and Matlab Cbuilder mixed programming staff have great help.
Platform: | Size: 1170432 | Author: srgr | Hits:


Description: 两本非常有用的书,关于如何在C中调用matlab的函数。-two very useful book on how the C call Matlab functions.
Platform: | Size: 1670144 | Author: 柯登峰 | Hits:


Description: 对于精通C#的同志来说,仿真的时候程序非常复杂,如果能直接调用MATLAB中已有的函数就好了,本文就实现c#调用matlab函数 -proficient in C# for the comrades, simulation of very complex procedures, if they can be called directly MATLAB has a function that will be the realization of this paper c# function call Matlab
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 张庚 | Hits:


Description: 一个相当全面的关于matlab与各类语言接口技术。含有C,blandC++,vc,c++等-a fairly comprehensive with all kinds of Matlab language interface technology. Containing C, blandC, vc, c, etc.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 详细介绍了VC环境下调用MATLAB过程,是一本不错的参考书.-details of VC environment MATLAB process is a good reference book.
Platform: | Size: 281600 | Author: aaa | Hits:


Description: 《精通Matlab与C/C++混合程序设计》( 第一章)-"proficient Matlab and C/C mixed Program Design" (first chapter)
Platform: | Size: 874496 | Author: 樊展飞 | Hits:


Description: 《精通Matlab与C/C++混合程序设计》( 第二章) 刘维编著-"proficient Matlab and C/C mixed Program Design" (Chapter II) Liu compilation
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: 樊展飞 | Hits:

[Special EffectsMatlab&CC++

Description: 精通Matlab与C/C++混合程序设计/刘维编著,北京-北京航空航天大学出版社 2005,(配套光盘)-proficient in Matlab and C/C hybrid programming/Liu compilation, Beijing-Beijing aviation space University Press, 2005, (matching CD-ROM)
Platform: | Size: 31024128 | Author: | Hits:


Description: MATLAB-C混合编程,在M文件中调用 C语言函数,对学混合编程的初学者有一定的帮助-MATLAB-C hybrid programming, the paper called M C language function, mixed programming for school beginners can help
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 宋军 | Hits:

[Big DataPCA两种算法matlab+C++

Description: C++和matlab的两种算法实现PCA的源程序。(Two algorithms to achieve PCA source.)
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: Elifen | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMatlab - C++ Math Library 2.1 Reference

Description: matlab与C++语言混合编程,英文版详细介绍(MATLAB and C++ language mixed programming, English version details)
Platform: | Size: 656384 | Author: 木一心 | Hits:

[matlabMATLAB C# Book.pdf

Description: 本书主要讲述的在对时间并不是非常严苛的情况下,使用C# 调用Matlab的DLL动态库来实现高复杂性算法或者某些保密内容的实现。(This book is mainly about using C# to call Matlab DLL dynamic library to realize high complexity algorithm or some confidential content in the case that time is not very strict.)
Platform: | Size: 1533952 | Author: 老腊肉还在学编程 | Hits:
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